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Self-Described Pedophile Arrested in L.A.

"(It's) the ambiance of children that I enjoy," Jack McClellan said.
Jack McClellan, in a photo released by the Santa Monica, Calif., police department. A temporary restraining order was granted Aug. 3, 2007, in Los Angeles, ordering him to stay at least 30 feet away from every person under the age of 18 in California.

LOS ANGELES (CBS/AP) -- A man who blogs about his attraction to young girls, but says he doesn't touch them, was arrested twice at UCLA, first near a university child care facility, then after a live television interview in a campus parking lot.

In the first incident Monday afternoon, Jack McClellan, who had a camera, was seen near the University of California, Los Angeles, Infant Development Program, which provides onsite care for children 3 months to 3 years old, campus spokeswoman Claudia Luther said.

He was arrested and booked on suspicion of violating a statewide restraining order prohibiting him from coming within 30 feet of any child in California. He was released six hours later, and was scheduled to appear in court Sept. 13.

The second incident occurred after someone spotted McClellan, 45, doing a live interview on KTLA-TV, Luther said.

McClellan was taken into custody and cited for trespassing, a misdemeanor, Luther said. He had earlier been told not to return to the campus.

Luther said McClellan would be turned over to Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies. Deputy Bill Brauberger couldn't immediately confirm if the transfer had happened early Tuesday.

Phone and e-mail messages seeking comment from McClellan earlier Monday were not immediately returned. It was unclear if he had retained an attorney.

McClellan, who is unemployed and lives out of his car, created waves in Southern California upon arriving earlier this summer from Washington state.

"(It's) the ambiance of children that I enjoy," he said.

Two months ago McClellan, 45, was basically run out of Washington state when word got out about his Web site, which promotes the acceptance of touching between men and prepubescent girls, reported CBS News correspondent Bianca Solorzano last month.

For years, McClellan maintained a Web site in Washington where he posted photos of children he had taken in public places. He also discussed how he liked to stake out parks, public libraries, fast-food restaurants and other areas where little girls, or "LGs," congregate.

McClellan's server took his Web site down over a month ago. He said in an interview a few weeks ago that he wasn't sure whether he would try to put it back up.

McClellan, who said he lives on supplemental security income and suffers from depression, has maintained that he launched the site as a form of therapy and wouldn't do anything illegal.

"I don't think any child should be touched sexually or non-sexually against their will," he said.

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