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Community shows support for striking UAW workers | Day 17

Hundreds of strikers, family, and members of the public make a human chain around the Toledo Assembly Complex Sunday.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Sunday marks the 17th day of the UAW Strike, and after Union President Shawn Fain visited the picket line Saturday spirits remain high.

There was more excitement at the Toledo Assembly Complex as hundreds of strikers, their family, friends, and members of the public, stood side-by-side in solidarity, outlining the plant.

"We have locals from Sterling Heights, from Ford, we have some from New York, and a gentleman in a Ram truck driving around that came from Orlando, Florida in two days to get here," said Dave Waingrow, a local UAW striker.

That man was Jerry Mazak. He's part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union. He has working in Toledo when the UAW strike began.

"The UAW is not just fighting for the UAW and the autoworkers," said Mazak. "They're fighting for everyone who works in this country, everybody who punches a time card."

To show his fellow unioners support, he drove around and around the plant, honking his horn with a big, inflated rat in the bed of his truck, with the sign 'No contract, No cars'.

"He represents the people who try to keep all the greed for themselves. Try to keep everything, when these people out here are just trying to pay their bills and trying to get through one day. One more day is all they're trying to do," said Mazak.

When asked how long he planned on circling the complex to show his support Mazak said simply, "Till I run out of gas, and I got a big tank."


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