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Local 12 is asking for food donations as strike continues

UAW Local 12 says some members are in need of assistance beyond their $500 a week strike pay.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Thursday marks day nine of the UAW strike. Next Friday will be the striker's first missed paycheck from the plants since the strike began and to prepare for the major financial hit they and their families will take UAW Local 12 is asking for donations.

"With the less paycheck that the UAW members are receiving, some families are going to be in need of food to eat to feed their families. It's critical to make sure that they eat. At least they eat while we strike," said Doris Jones, Community Service Chairman of the Local 12, Jeep unit

Local 12 is asking for your donations of non-perishable foods to support strikers' families as they continue to hold the line. They are not just accepting food items. They also need diapers, wipes and formula.

"We have a lot of women in the plant that have babies," said Jones. "We need lots of pampers and wipes for the babies at Local 12 also. Anything that anyone wants to donate we will accept and be gladly appreciative."

If you would like to donate to the strikers, you can drop off items at the Local 12 headquarters on Ashland Ave. in central Toledo or reach out to them at (419) 241-9126.

"Right now at this time we need the need so that all of the UAW members, Jeep members are okay during this strike."

Most striking workers are currently receiving $500 a week in strike pay from the UAW strike fund.





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