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"Rain, sleet or snow, we still say no"; UAW members in Toledo weather the rain one month into the strike

Despite 30mph+ winds in Toledo, with showers on and off, UAW strikers continued to hold the picket line at the Jeep assembly plant.

TOLEDO, Ohio — UAW strikers outside the Toledo Jeep Assembly Complex had to brave the elements Saturday with rain and high winds, but they say what they are doing is more important that temporary discomfort.

"This is not just for us. When we win, everybody is gonna win," said striker Tiara Kendig. "So we just have to keep baring down, hunkering down and being cold if we're cold."

Saturday marked 30 days since the UAW stand-up strike began, and those in Toledo have been a part of it since day one. 

The WTOL 11 Weather Team reported wind gusts over 30 miles per hour in Toledo, with showers on and off. 

The strikers had no real shelter from the elements. Strikers huddled by the fires, others crowded together under tents, some just used umbrellas; but despite it all there was no lack of smiles. 

"I got a great team, worked with these guys for a long time," said Tori Burnley who has worked at the plant for over five years. "We have fun. Got to make the best of it."

Strikers said enduring the weather is just part of fight. 

"Toledo has been owned and governed by the auto industry since before I was born, since people before me," said Scott Spangler, nearing 30 years at the plant. "I tell you what, as long as everybody stays strong and comes out and appreciates and stands behind us, we will prevail. The city will come back again we will prevail."

UAW President Fain announced yesterday all UAW members and plants are on standby for a strike at any moment, so week five may have more instore for this strike. 




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