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Want holiday lights on your house but don't want to climb a ladder to put them up? There's a college kid who will do that for you.

Abdul Hashem and his fellow University of Toledo students earn money with a light-hanging business.

Do you ever cruise the neighborhoods in the evenings this time of year just to admire the holiday lights?

Some of what you're enjoying is likely the work of Abdul Hashem, a University of Toledo student who works on the weekends to hang Christmas lights on area homes.

Hashem started hanging lights on his parents’ house and thought it might be fun to do this for a living.

"I always help my dad and last year I thought, man, it'd be a really great gig to get into hanging lights for different neighbors," Hashem said.

Hashem started by hanging holiday lights in his own neighborhood and then expanded his clientele by putting up signs promoting the business. 

His company, Habibi Outdoor Home Services, also works during other seasons to clean gutters, pull weeds, and do other chores that don't require a contractor license. Hashem said they charge about $300 to $500 to install Christmas lights on a  one-story home and $800 to $1000 for a two- or three-story home.

"The most challenging part is definitely being in uncomfortable positions and situations on the roof sometimes," Hashem said. 

The crew has up to five light-hanging jobs each weekend, Hashem said. During the week, they're busy with school, he said.

"We are college students and right now it is exam season and we're pretty busy with that as well," Hashem said.

But Hashem also makes time to drive through neighborhoods to see his work lit up in the evenings. Checking out the Christmas lights on area homes is one of the best parts of the job, he said.

"It's really satisfying to see the end result," he said. 

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