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Cooking Thanksgiving dinner? Here are the 5 most forgotten ingredients

Meijer complied a list of the 5 most important forgotten items used to make Thanksgiving dinner. Check your list twice so you don't forget any of these!

TOLEDO (WTOL) - Planning Thanksgiving is pretty stressful. The last thing you want to do is discover that you forgot an ingredient to make a dish that will make or break your holiday, and then it’s too late to do anything about it.

Meijer compiled a list of the most purchased Thanksgiving items that people are most likely to forget this holiday season.

Let’s see if these “Forgotten Five” are on your list for this year. If they are, don’t forget them!

  1. Cream cheese. You might not think of cream cheese as a main Thanksgiving ingredient, but it is often used for appetizers, desserts and sometimes even mixed into mashed potatoes. 
  2. Cream of mushroom soup. This ingredient is crucial for casseroles and gravies.
  3. Celery. Celery is a staple for Thanksgiving meals, used in stuffing, appetizers, soups and salads. 
  4. Butter. A pound of butter might sound like enough to cook a whole Thanksgiving dinner, but Meijer says it’s not. Butter will be used not only for spreading on your rolls, but in recipes and for leftovers later.
  5. Yams. You can mash them or put marshmallows on top of them, just don’t forget them!

It’s also important to not forget about the turkey. It is highly unlikely that you’ll forget the main dish, but it is easy to forget that you have to give the bird enough time to defrost and cook before it’s completely ready to be served. And if you procrastinate long enough before buying the turkey, the good ones might all be taken!

It’s no surprise that Meijer sees an increase in certain foods bought around the holidays. Here are some fun facts about the top 5 items sold at Meijer on Thanksgiving Day:

  • Meijer will sell 1.8 million pounds of red, yellow and white potatoes. Potatoes are important in all their forms for Thanksgiving dinner!
  • Meijer expects to sell more than 850,000 turkeys.
  • Meijer will sell 18,000 gallons of canned corn. That’s enough to fill 38 swimming pools!
  • Meijer will sell 904,000 pounds of canned yams. 
  • Board game sales also go through the roof in the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Meijer reports a 350% increase in board games sales, with the top sellers being Jenga, Monopoly, Pie Face, Speak Out and Perfection.

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