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COVID-19: Changing Our Lives | April 10: Comedians find new ways to get laughs

While performers are losing an outlet in a time when it is undoubtedly most needed, many are using that creativity to find other ways to keep going.

TOLEDO, Ohio —

I’ve been doing stand-up for six years now. Since I started, it’s a rare week that I don’t go up at least once – and I’m one of the lazier comics.  

Most people I work with hop on stage four or five times a week, sometimes driving hours to do it for maybe $10 in gas money - if it’s a decent gig. 

Sure, I could talk your ear off about how we’re losing a “platform for expression” and the cities are missing out on hearing some guy’s hot take on Taco Bell or whatever, but I'll spare you the sermon.  

While it is true that a lot of performers are losing an outlet in a time when it is undoubtedly most needed, many are using that creativity to find other ways to keep going. I’ve seen Zoom comedy shows, live stream concerts, and I think there’s even a music festival utilizing Mine Craft (I have no idea how that works), so people are still figuring out ways to express themselves.  

But as cliché as this sounds, what I really think is missing is that sense of community. If you aren’t familiar with the “scene,” there is a really tight-knit group of artists in Toledo and the surrounding area.  

I miss seeing familiar faces and pestering them with a new bit that is definitely garbage, and they confirm that with me (nicely because I’m sensitive) so I can fix it up a bit before I unveil it to the three drunk people at the bar who didn’t know the show was even happening. I miss knowing that every Thursday, I’ll be ordering some pizza and hanging out with my friends who will give suggestions when I bomb and hype me up when it goes well. 

I think a lot of us have complained about shows like this in the moment; it’s always a mixed bag of performers, and the audience can be a bit gruff, but we’re singing a different tune now that we don’t have the option. 

Of course, I miss the better gigs, too. And for some people, clubs closing down means a big hit in their income. I’m beyond thankful that I'm able to stay at home and continue working right now. 

There are so many bigger things to be worried about, but and I can’t believe I’m saying this - sometimes I just miss those strange, unpaid shows in the back of a bar. I can confidently say I would sit through a good hour of those Taco Bell hot takes if it meant I could start joking around with my friends again. 

But for now, I'll be staying home so we can flatten that curve and beat this thing together.


Are you growing increasingly optimistic that the pandemic won't be as bad as predicted? Do you have stories about how your life has been affected, or maybe a positive that you have learned during this experience? Send submissions to blog@wtol.com.


  • During his daily news conference, President Trump says the situation is stabilizing in Michigan. However, the state still records its highest death total for one day - 205. Detroit announces 52 more deaths, giving it 327.
  • Ohio announces that it will now report two sets of numbers. One will be confirmed cases through a lab test. The other numbers will include cases where there is no other explanation than COVID-19 but it is not confirmed by a lab test. Confirmed cases are 5,836 and 227 deaths. The new guidelines add 42 cases and four deaths.
  • In the Toledo area, TARTA will begin requiring on Saturday that all bus riders wear some type of facial covering.
  • Global deaths from the virus surpass 100,000
  • President Trump reports that military personnel have built 23 temporary hospitals, adding 16,000 beds in 12 states and the District of Columbia.

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