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Sauder Village hosting Summer on the Farm this Saturday

Special hands-on activities will demonstrate life on the pioneer homestead.

ARCHBOLD, Ohio — Sauder Village in Archbold is a portal back showcasing life in multiple eras of our region, and the living history museum and farm has a big event happening this weekend.

On Saturday, Sauder Village is offering a hands-on experience for visitors to see how much work was involved in pioneer life.

"Children are generations removed from life on the farm," Director of sales and marketing Jeanette Smith said. "And here at Sauder village we have over 100 years of history of life on the farm, and we have special activities planned for families to come and visit."

It's called Summer on the Farm, where throughout the day, families can help pack a wagon, roll out pie dough, wash clothes and help pack a picnic, among other activities. Many of the exhibitors running the activities have become masters of these old-time crafts. 

Credit: Jon Monk
Along with farm activities, visitors will have craft opportunities as well.

"Our staff do a great job of anything from making cherry pie, to lady bugs, to ironing clothing," Smith said. "Because we had to iron clothes back then, didn't we, and we had to do it in a harder, different way."

And for the younger generation of pioneer explorers, it should instill a stronger understanding of what if used to take to get by on your own before modern amenities

"You learn about how things really were versus reading and whatnot," said Brooke Lee, who was visiting Sauder's Thursday with her daughter and nieces. "So seeing everything in person is a great experience for them."

Those special Summer on the Farm activities will be held throughout the day periodically at Sauder Village, which is open on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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