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Diocese of Toledo says former priest convicted of sex trafficking has been dismissed from clerical state

Michael Zacharias was convicted and sentenced in 2023 on two counts of sex trafficking minors, among other sex trafficking charges.

TOLEDO, Ohio — The Diocese of Toledo announces the dismissal from the clerical state of Michael Zacharias, a former northwest Ohio priest convicted of sex trafficking minors and adults, who was sentenced to life in prison for those charges in November 2023. 

According to a press release from the Diocese of Toledo, Zacharias' case was transmitted to the Holy See, the governing body overseeing the Vatican City, to request Zacharias' dismissal after his conviction. The case was sent with the request that the Pope dismiss Zacharias from the clerical state. 

The Diocese of Toledo said the institution was recently informed the Pope had imposed on Zacharias "the perpetual penalty of direct dismissal" for his convictions. 

"With the imposition of this penalty, it is my hope and prayer that healing for victims may continue and justice be restored, as we remain vigilant in confronting evil," said Bishop Daniel E. Thomas in the press release. 

EARLIER COVERAGE: Former northwest Ohio priest sentenced to two life counts for sex trafficking minors, adults

A federal jury found Zacharias guilty in May of the five following counts of sex trafficking charges: one count of sex trafficking of a minor; two counts of sex trafficking of a minor by force, fraud and coercion; and two counts of sex trafficking of an adult by force, fraud or coercion. He was arrested in August 2020.

Prosecutors said the crimes, which occurred between 1999 and July 2020, involved Zacharias using his position as a priest at Saint Michael the Archangel Parish to target victims and coerce them into sex acts.

He served in multiple parishes, including in Toledo, Fremont, and Findlay.

Witnesses during Zacharias' trial laid out how he began grooming the boys during his time at St. Catherine’s, gaining their trust as a father figure when they were as young as 11 years old. Those witnesses said the priest preyed on the boys as some of they developed drug habits, paying them thousands of dollars in exchange for allowing him to perform oral sex on them. Some of the victims said they needed the money to support opioid habits. All of them said they submitted because they did not want to lose him as a father figure or feared losing their connection to the church.

FURTHER READING: First Sunday Mass stirs emotions among community members following arrest of Father Zacharias

The Diocese of Toledo asked anyone who has allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, staff member or volunteer affiliated with the Diocese of Toledo to report it to local law enforcement where the abuse is alleged to have occurred. 

It also asked anyone to report allegations of sexual abuse to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at 419-214-4880.


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