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Springfield Schools working to enhance reading skills in students over the summer

Kids are leaving soon for summer break, but officials want them to keep reading.

HOLLAND, Ohio — Within the next few weeks children will be leaving school to enjoy their summer break, but Springfield Schools expects kids to continue reading.

Barb Meadows says she reads to her 5-year-old granddaughter whenever she can so that she doesn't slip behind on her education. 

"It engages them in wanting to read," she said. "They follow the pictures which helps them follow the story and we are trying to teach her to actually read the books, which she has learned somewhat in kindergarten." 

Her granddaughter just finished kindergarten in the Springfield Local School District this week. The district will be hosting a Summer Sparks Literacy initiative that focuses on the science of reading.

The program is open to kids in grades K-5.

"Long ago we did have a program where teachers, volunteers and children got books and they could come in and get books to read," program co-coordinator Amanda Schlageter said. "It was called Terrific Tuesdays, now we have kind of brought it back to life for every single school."

Springfield teachers are taking special training to teach the material for Summer Spark weeks, and beyond. The coordinator says the goal is to have every teacher trained by the end of next year. 

"It is based on brain research," Schlageter said. "It is through science that we know how children learn to read now. And what processors they use in their brain and what all the different skills they need to learn and the procession of skills they need to learn to become really good fluent readers."

The free program runs June 12-27 and families need to register. Connecting Kids to Meals will provide lunch and special guests will be providing activities and games. 


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