Author: Travis Pittman
Published: 7:11 AM EDT April 26, 2019
Updated: 7:11 AM EDT April 26, 2019
Google has gotten the "snap" treatment in honor of this weekend's debut of "Avengers: Endgame."
If you Google "Thanos," then click on the image of the Infinity Gauntlet on the right side of the next page, the gauntlet snaps its fingers.
Then, little-by-little, images and text from the search page start disappearing like dust, leaving only about half of what was originally there.
In 2018's "Infinity War," Thanos snapped his fingers while wearing the gauntlet with the six infinity stones to cause half the population of the universe to turn to dust.
If you hit the Google gauntlet a second time, it uses the Time Stone to reverse everything. Again, that’s similar to what Thanos did in “Infinity War” in order to get the sixth and final stone to complete the gauntlet.