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Sandusky County looking at hospital capacity as it goes red

The county has seen a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases since the beginning of November.

FREMONT, Ohio — With a lot more counties moving into a Level 3 "Red" alert stage, Sandusky County moving to that level for the first time.

Sandusky County has seen a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. 

In October they had 236 cases. 

So far, within the first five days of November, they've already seen 85.

"Today our tone with the call was a little more concerning. We have seen a increase in hospitalizations as well with these case numbers," Sandusky County Health Commissioner Bethany Brown said.

Brown says she's seeing the highest numbers since the beginning of the pandemic and that's not all - with limited hospital capacity and the people getting sick now needing more time to be treated, hospital space isn't as readily available.

"They're really trying to take a look at how they're going to prioritize," Brown said. "Are we going to have to send people out of the county?"

This is frustrating for Sandusky County locals, like the Meyers, who say they wish everyone would take proper precautions.

"It is a big concern, I wish that masks would be mandatory, I think that would help," Cheryl Meyers said. "I believe in following the science."

Dr. Brian Kaminski with ProMedica says an uptick in hospitalizations is expected during cold and flu season, meaning smaller facilities are usually stretched for resources more than normal.

"The current increase, the rate of increase, is what concerns us," Kaminski said. "So we're watching that on a daily basis and looking at all the options that we have available to adjust to a surge and be able to accommodate safe and effective care for everybody."

Kaminski and Brown say people getting their flu shots and wearing masks to help limit the spread of both illnesses could go a long way in reducing hospital capacity concerns as it gets colder.

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