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Unemployed Ohioans wait, and wait, for checks from state

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted says hundreds have been added to the state call center to handle all the inquires, but he has repeatedly asked people to be patient.
Credit: WTOL

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services says its unemployment website is still experiencing technical difficulties. 

The department said any correspondence dated April 15 or later cannot yet be viewed.

Unemployment Update: Any correspondence dated April 15th or later cannot yet be viewed. https://bit.ly/3an1mgo #InThisTogetherOhio #EveryClaimIsImportant

The Department of Job and Family Services was also experiencing issues with its website on Sunday night.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we're working as fast as we can to resolve this issue. Thank you for your continued patience. #InThisTogetherOhio #EveryClaimIsImportant

By 11 p.m. the issue seemed to be resolved until Monday morning.

Ohio is now fielding record unemployment claims. Meanwhile, many workers out of a job find themselves scrambling to make ends meet as they wait days or weeks for their claim to be processed and checks to be issued. 

The state human services agency says nearly 700,000 people filed for unemployment in the last three weeks. That's almost double the 365,000 claims filed in all of 2019. 

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted says hundreds have been added to the state call center to handle all the inquires, but he has repeatedly asked people to be patient.

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In March, WTOL 11 reported the influx of workers applying for benefits due to the coronavirus pandemic came as the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services website crashed multiple times. 

The state administration addressed the unprecedented numbers during a press conference in late March. 

"This system was not built for a crisis, it was built to take care of what we could expect on a regular or robust basis but what we are experiencing now is unprecedented," Lt. Gov. Jon Husted said.

Additionally, a statement from JFS says what people are doing is still the best way, even though it comes with frustrations.

"Despite the intermittent issues with the online claims system today, going to unemployment.ohio.gov remains the best way for Ohioans to file a claim," the statement read.


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