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Will more Ohioans go to Michigan for an abortion after Proposal 3 passed?

The ACLU of Michigan deputy legal director believes many from Ohio and other states could be coming to Michigan for reproductive care.

TOLEDO, Ohio — A proposal passed in Michigan on Election Day will protect the right to abortions in the state.

While Ohio's abortion ban is currently on hold, it's not clear when it might go into effect following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022. In September, a judge blocked Senate Bill 23, also known as the Heartbeat Bill.

"Now that proposal three has passed and we have this enduring right in our constitution, we'll, unfortunately, see way more people flooding to the state of Michigan for access to health care," Bonsitu Kitaba, the deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, said.

What does that mean for Ohioans?

After the Heartbeat Bill was put into place, it caused some in Ohio take the trip across the state border, according to Dr. David Burkon, the director of the Toledo Women's Center.

"The planned parenthood in Ann Arbor, sometimes over half the patients they were seeing were from Ohio," he said. "I know people that work there very well and it was actually hurting and making them harder to get their patients in."

It's not clear if something like Proposal 3 will ever be on the ballot in Ohio, so the higher volume of patients in Michigan from other states could stick around.

"I think that we're going to look in helping increase access to reproductive rights now that we're secured the right, " Kitaba said. "What does that look like? Is that opening more abortion clinics or other reproductive health care centers to accommodate the influx of individual patients? But, I know that individual providers are doing everything they can to meet the need."

In Ohio, it's legal for someone to to terminate a pregnancy through 20 weeks' gestation.

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