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'It was hell on earth': Toledo firefighters recount recovery efforts at Ground Zero

Richard Syroka, Jerry Takats and David Meegan spent a week at Ground Zero, helping with search and recovery efforts.

TOLEDO, Ohio —

For Toledo Firefighters Richard Syroka, Jerry Takats and David Meegan, the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, was different for each of them. 

"When I found out, I happened to be working at the alarm office," retired Deputy Chief Syroka said.

"I was going to the gym," recalled retired Battalion Chief Takats.

"I was at home in my backyard," retired firefighter Meegan remembered.

In the days following the tragedy, their responses were the same, though.

"I think it was a couple days later, I talked to Jerry. I said, 'Want to go?' He says, 'Yeah,' and then Jerry called Rick and 'Absolutely.' We got a few things together and we went," Meegan explained.

Using their vacation time from the department, the trio packed a van with supplies and drove to New York City.

"It's a brotherhood, so you went there to help. They had families so you wanted to find them for their families," Takats said.

Meegan said the scene was devastating.

"It was hell on earth," he said.

The three firefighters were prepared to assist in any capacity.

When New York's firefighters heard that all three Toledo firefighters were trained in confined spaces, they were tasked with search and recovery.

"You got on a bucket brigade. As you came down, you dumped a bucket and the person at the end would rake through it. If you found any type of body parts, it went in a red bag. If you found any type of belongings, it went in a white bag," explained Takats.

They were given special ID badges, permitting them open access to the scene.  

"We got to see firsthand every building we wanted to go in. Everywhere and actually do searching itself on the pile," said Syroka.

Even after spending a week in the devastation, they still left feeling a sense of pride that they say brought them – and the country – together.   

"You're proud to be a fireman. Proud to do what you did – serve your community. I was proud to be with Dave and Rick," Takats said. "That's something you never forget. They'll be with me the rest of my life."

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