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Islamic Center of Greater Toledo releases statement condemning Orlando shooting

The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo has released a statement condemning the shooting in Orlando last night.
Islamic Center of Greater Toledo (Source: WTOL)
Scene from Pulse night club shooting in Orlando (Source: AP Images)

PERRYSBURG, OH (WTOL) - Muslims around the world are condemning the mass shooting in Orlando.

The heavily armed assailant, Omar Mateen, allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before he was killed in a hail of gunfire.

He also said he supported the two terrorists responsible for the Boston Marathon attacks.

Locally, the head of the Islamic Center of Toledo says any person who has a sense of decency is shocked by the nightclub massacre.

"This is something really not accepted in the name of humanity, God, religion, Islam, whatever you call it. This is nothing but murder," said Imam Talai Eid.

The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo released a statement condemning the shooting in Orlando late Saturday night.

Full release:

The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo strongly condemns the despicable attack on innocent civilians in Orlando. This type of crime committed by a deranged individual has no place in our faith and our society. We, as Muslim Americans, offer our prayers and condolences to the families and friends of the victims.
Imam Eid also had strong words regarding the Orlando shooter's alleged faith.
“I’d like to call on all Islamic Centers in the Orlando area not to offer any rituals for this person. This person proved not to be a Muslim,” said Imam Eid.

The Islamic community in Orlando also made a public statement condemning the attacks.

"It's a horrible tragedy. We are mourning. We are sad. It's not really time for any sensational news and rushing to judgment. We should wait for information, facts come from the investigators and we will all see what happened, understand it and stay together to keep our community strong," said Imam Muhammad Mursi, from the Islamic Society of Central Florida.

Across the country, Muslims are being urged to donate blood to the survivors of the nightclub attack.

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