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Lake Twp Fire sees uptick in calls, hopes to hire more firefighters

The Lake Township Fire Department hopes to hire additional firefighters due to an uptick in calls.

LAKE TOWNSHIP, OH (WTOL) - The Lake Township Fire Department is considering making some changes due to an uptick in calls.

"We're averaging right around 80 to 90 calls a month. June we went to 120, July we was at 117," said Chief Bruce Moritz "Is this going to continue? I don't know. But even at 80 and 90 that's a lot."

Those numbers have officials at the department considering adding some additional part-time shifts at night.

The chief already added two permanent part-time employees for the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. shift in July.

"That's helped sustain us a little bit," said Chief Moritz. "It guarantees I've got two people available during the day. And it's pretty tough sometimes during the day with people working and everything."

In some cases, firefighters responded to back-to-back calls and as many as 10 calls in one day, which the chief says can be taxing for the volunteer department.

"About 80 percent are EMS. And then we're seeing a lot of assistance calls of those ems calls. People with falls - The elderly needing assistance getting up and that type of stuff," said Chief Moritz.

The chief says it's important to note the department can handle the calls they're receiving. The change would just help the department do their job more efficiently.

Chief Moritz discussed the idea with the township and is optimistic the change will become a reality. He hopes to add the permanent shifts by the first of the year.

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