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Toledo-Lucas County reporting 70 flu-related hospitalizations

While the CDC reports nationwide there have been 2,100 deaths from the flu complications, there have been no deaths in Toledo-Lucas County.

TOLEDO, Ohio — The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 4.6 million flu illnesses, 39,000 hospitalizations and 2,100 deaths related to the flu. That's 300 more than the previous week.

Toledo Lucas County Health Department records show there have been no deaths so far in the area, but 70 flu-related hospitalizations. Nearly 40 percent of those hospitalizations have been children. That's a lot more than last year at this time when there were only 28, but much less than 2017 when there was 97. 

The health department said one thing that is unusual about this year's flu season is that nearly 80 percent of hospitalizations are from Influenza B, which usually picks up at the end of the flu season. 

So, how can you keep the flu from spreading? Dr. Sohil Patel with ProMedica said it's not too late to get a flu shot. 

"Vaccination is the best way to prevent. I always encourage it. You can start it as early as late September. You can easily go into the spring," said Dr. Patel.

Just keep in mind, experts said it takes about two weeks for the flu shot to become effective. 

Once the flu strikes your home Dr. Patel recommends adults wear masks to stop the spread and of course disinfect things like doorknobs and wash your hands. 

"The best you can do for yourself if there's maybe a loved one or a young one, maybe keep them away, separated, not have that direct contact," said Dr. Patel. 

RELATED: TOP 19: Doctors warn people not to kiss babies due to RSV on the rise

RELATED: Ohio Health Dept. gives tips to stop the flu from spreading

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