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Young workers are the backbone at Beckey's Kountry Kitchen

A group of teens at a Blissfield restaurant want to prove they're motivated, hard workers.

BLISSFIELD, Mich. — A group of hardworking teens is working to change the narrative surrounding their generation, one customer at a time. 

Most of the employees serving tables at Beckey's Kountry Kitchen are between the of ages 15 and 19.

The general manager, Jennifer Anderson, said she's had a lot of employees over the years, and not all of them have had the same work ethic. 

"Most of the kids that work here, they come from parents that are instilling in them," Anderson said.

"When I post job listings, I've been getting more applications from the high schoolers," Anderson said. "Starting at 14 or 15-years-old even."

Kids not even old enough to drive, are wanting to gain independence, learn about responsibility and start earning their own money.

"They're saving up to go to college, buy their first cars, move out," employee, Brendan Przytulski said. "So, they have a lot of incentives to just go through and actually put in all the hours."

Others have learned what it's like to grow as an employee and have people believe in them.

"When I first started here, I did dishes then they taught me about the cooking area," Karsyn Lang said. "Then, when the original baker was planning on leaving, she was like, 'Hey, do you want to learn how to do it so when I leave you can take over?' I was like, 'sure.' And it was really fun."

A lot of these workers, including Camdyn Grayson, want to prove people wrong who think that young kids don't have work ethic anymore.

"Waking up, coming to a job, going to bed, going to school, doing sports, doing other activities - it was a lot at 15. But, I like it here. It's paid off," he said.

Anderson makes sure their hard work never goes unnoticed.

"I try to give them all a lot of credit and 'atta boys' all the time."


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