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BG mayor details plans for designated drinking area downtown

The DORA would start out during festivals like Firefly Nights or Black Swamp Arts Festival and would have time restrictions.

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Leaders in Bowling Green are weighing their options for an outdoor refreshment area. But, the close proximity of the downtown to Bowling Green State University is causing concern for business owners. 

"I mean, in theory it sounds amazingly fun, but I also have a lot of hesitations about it," Bowling Green bar owner Lauren Kostelnik said. 

Bowling Green Mayor Mike Aspacher reassured community members Tuesday, saying the DORA would start out during festivals like Firefly Nights or Black Swamp Arts Festival and would have time restrictions.

"I would think if we would just create the DORA and put it in effect for seven days a week, for an extended long period of time, that certainly could result in some instances that would not be beneficial to our downtown," Aspacher said.

The issue still needs to be introduced to Bowling Green City Council. Aspacher plans to meet with the Bowling Green police and fire chiefs to discuss how they could police the proposed drinking areas. 

Some business owners are worried about the potential liability this could create, but others feel that as long as its done right, it's a win for BG.

"You worry about what would happen if you're establishment via its cup is associated with behavior that's no longer on your premise," Kostelnik said.

"I don't see a problem with it as long as it's well regulated and making sure people are 21 and they're not straying from those designated areas," Mr. Spots manager Bruce Vermett said.

Conversations between the city and business owners are expected to begin as early as next week.

RELATED: Perrysburg businesses exploring DORA for downtown

RELATED: Port Clinton approves one of the biggest DORAs in northwest Ohio

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