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BGSU has new restrictions for students living on campus

Many Bowling Green State University students are already realizing the countless changes this school year will soon bring.


Many students are starting to pack their bags and get ready to move to college but move-in day definitely will not be the same due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ahead of their return to campus, many Bowling Green State University students are already realizing the countless changes this school year will bring. 

Students received an email earlier in the week telling them that students who live in dorms will have to be moved to single rooms to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, just a week before move-in day.  

"Totally understandable measure. Maybe they could've made it a little bit earlier, but, you know, who am I to throw stones,” said grad student Harrison Fischer. 

Senior Deena Amrou thinks the move makes sense.

“I think it's going to be better for social distancing-wise and that way you're not giving your roommate whatever you have and they're not going out and spreading it." 

Many students agreed that it's a good idea for students to move in to single dorms. They also support BGSU President Rodney Rogers' decision to postpone fall sports. 

"It's tough, but we aren't in control of this situation so we just have to roll with the punches and adapt as we go,” said Fischer. 

“I trust him and his decisions I know he's doing what is best for his students and staff " added Amrou. 

Students are showing sympathy for the freshmen this year. The first-timers are certainly in for a different college experience in year one. 

 "Unfair yes, however necessary. Life is so unfair but this is a virus and a pandemic we're talking about, so if freshman have to live by themselves for the first year I think you'll give them a life lesson,” added Amrou. 

Add that to the list of lessons on the syllabus, both inside and out of the classroom, in what will surely be a different year for everyone on campus. 




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