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City of Toledo preps for first flooding of the year

With a First Alert day calling for two to four inches of rain Saturday, the city is prepping for flooding.
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Closeup of high water flooding on neighborhood street.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Flooding is expected to impact much of the area Saturday.

Forecasts are calling for up to four inches of rain possible across our area. Toledo officials are anticipating calls for flooding and say you should too.

"We recommend that you start your flood cleanup while waiting for crews to arrive," City of Toledo Communications Director Ignazio Messina said. "But we do respond. I think we had five reports of basement flooding today."

In addition to basement flooding, officials expect the usual locations to flood and have equipment set up to address them.

"We have pumps set up at several locations throughout the city that we know will experience flooding," Messina said. "On Middlesex in Old Orchard. We'll have a pump at Bennett park and we have two other pumps that we can deploy as needed if we see other areas are flooding."

Messina added that infrastructure upgrades over the years have helped address previous flood spots.

"We have placed [pumps] in other places in the past," he said, "but we've noticed improvements to ditches and sewers have really helped alleviate some of the flooding there."

Messina stressed the city is continually trying to improve neighborhoods. He encourages anyone with flooding issues to call the city.

"We have a program to clean storm sewers," he said. "I think we've already done 20,000 feet of storm sewers this year alone, so that helps alleviate flooding, but if you see something, best thing you can do is call Engage Toledo."

You can reach Engage Toledo at 419-936-2020.

RELATED: Heavy rain, flooding expected this weekend; Here's how you can prepare your home

RELATED: First Alert Forecast: Steadier periods of rain, First Alert Days Friday and Saturday for flooding concerns.

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