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City of Toledo plans on finding ways to use all of the American Rescue Plan Act funds

The city will lose the funds if they are not allocated and spent. So far, the money has gone to community improvement projects and park services.

TOLEDO, Ohio —

The city of Toledo is hoping to allocate all of its American Rescue Plan Act funds by the end of this year. 

The city has an internal deadline of appropriating funds by the end of this month, but it has to have a plan for the money by the end of the year, otherwise, the city will lose those funds. The money has to be spent by the end of 2026.

The city received $180 million and has spent $112 million on avoiding cuts to city services, having police and fire classes, and youth and park services.

City council plans to vote on reappropriating funds. The city had initially dedicated $10 million toward lead service line replacements, but it is proposing a $5 million cut to the project.

Money also may be reappropriated from the Wayman Palmer YMCA project.

Deputy Mayor Abby Arnold said the city found fewer service lines that needed to be replaced than originally estimated and wanted to see the money be used elsewhere.

The money can go to other projects like senior and community centers, replacing AC and making improvements to the kitchens in the centers. 

Deputy Mayor Abby Arnold said there is also money being allocated to the Savage Park splash pad.

"We're adding a million dollars into that recreation line item to ensure the Savage splash pad gets replaced," Arnold said. "You probably remember there's been a lot of talk about Savage Park and the splash pad there. We are waiting to hear back about a grant that we applied for, which would do more than just the splash pad."

Arnold said the city should find out in November if they are receiving the grant for the splash pad. If the city receives the grant, the money will be allocated to another project.

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