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Devils Lake sewage leak won't spoil Memorial Day weekend, Lenawee Co. resident says

Rick Reed has lived on the lake for 10 years and said Memorial Day means a lot for the Midwest, but even more for Devils Lake.

MANITOU BEACH-DEVILS LAKE, Mich. — Some of those who enjoy spending time on the waters of Devils Lake say they won't let the Lenawee County Health Department's advisory to not make physical contact with the water due to sewage discharge spoil their fun for Memorial Day Weekend.

The leak originally began on Saturday just north of the lake, and on Monday, the county started to contain the leak, eliminating it on Tuesday and beginning water quality testing.

Rick Reed has lived on the lake for 10 years and said Memorial Day means a lot for the Midwest, but even more for Devils Lake.

"I think it's just a small curve ball," Reed said. "It's still early enough in the season that this is still in my opinion a boating holiday rather than a swimming holiday because the water is still pretty cool."

He said since the lake is so large, he looks at the sewage leak as just a drop in the bucket.

"It's always good to be overly cautious and to warn people and let them know, but I think we still have time before the holiday begins that they will still rectify the situation," Reed said.

In a statement Tuesday, the Lenawee County Health Department said the leak occurred during a project to upgrade and replace 18 lift stations in the area. During a bypass pumping operation, a sewer main backed up and began leaking from around a manhole cover and into the lake.

"The Rollin Woodstock Sanitary Drain Drainage District is currently in the middle of a very large project to upgrade and replace 18 lift stations in the Devils and Round Lake Area," Jenny Escott, the Lenawee County Drain Commissioner, said. "One of the stations is currently being bypassed by two portable pumps. Due to an issue with the bypass pumping, a sewer main backed up and was leaking from around a manhole lid and into the adjacent lake. The leak has been eliminated and sample testing has begun in connection with standards set by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy through the Lenawee County Health Department."

Reed said visitors can expect to see hundreds of boats on the Devils Lake water this weekend.

"Because of the weather, I think that people are coming out quickly," Reed said. "I think that hundreds, if not 500 boats, [will be at the lake]. This area is just filled with boats and even people traveling from other lakes, this is the place to be."

Those seeking more information are asked to contact the health department at 517-264-5213 or ehdesk@lenawee.mi.us.

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