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Former Marine and security expert talks how to stay situationally aware in crowded places

You may not think it will ever happen to you, but what if you were put in a similar situation to that in Boulder? Would you be prepared?

TOLEDO, Ohio — The victims killed in a grocery store in Boulder were simply following their everyday routine. 

As much as you think you would be prepared to react to a similar situation, Former Marine and security expert KC Ahlers says the key is to always be situationally aware.

So how do you do that?

"Stay out of your phone. A lot of people want to walk around while looking at your phone or scrolling, the problem is you're not aware of everything going on around you," said Ahlers.

When you're shopping at the grocery store, or in a mall or anywhere with a crowd of people, Ahlers says it's important to pay attention to people's facial expressions.

"If somebody looks relaxed, you can tell that they're relaxed. If somebody is anxious or has a very jittery look about them, that's somebody that you should probably keep an eye on."

After looking at someone's eyes, the next thing you should do is look down at what they're wearing.

Ahlers said, "If its a warm day but they're wearing a really heavy jacket, that's kind of a warning sign. You don't know what's underneath they're probably, possibly not probably wearing body armor or are concealing weapons of some kind of fashion."

When a mass shooting happens, panic sets in and people scatter. Ahlers said that's when many people in this situation become victims. 

He suggests if you're out with your family or a group of friends to make sure to have a meeting point in the event something goes wrong.


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