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Former Toledo mayor and county auditor vie for vacant Lucas County commissioner seat

The position will be decided by the Lucas County Democrats' central committee in the short term, but who will hold the seat permanently will be left to the voters.

LUCAS COUNTY, Ohio — Two local Democratic politicians are vying for a vacant seat on the Lucas County Board of Commissioners. 

The position opened up when Tina Skeldon Wozniak retired in December. Former Toledo mayor and current Ohio state Sen. Paula Hicks Hudson and current Lucas County Auditor Anita Lopez say believe they have what it takes to fill the role.

What is a county commissioner? In simple terms, a county commissioner has the authority to do the taxing, budgeting, appropriating and purchasing in a county. It is a cornerstone role in local government, and these two women both think they are fit for the job.

Hicks-Hudson, 73, currently represents Toledo in the Ohio Senate. She formerly served as Toledo mayor.

"I have a wealth of experience and knowledge that I can bring, that can help bring the county forward," Hicks-Hudson said.

While 55-year-old Lopez is the current county auditor.

"Being the county auditor has allowed me to live and breathe all across the county," Lopez said. "But now I would be able to be over the budget that makes the decisions about where those dollars go."

The initial decision will come down to the Lucas County Democrats' central committee, which will vote Saturday on who will fill the seat for the remainder of Wozniak's term, which will end in December.

The next step toward who will get to keep the role long-term will first be decided in the Lucas County Democratic primary by the voters.

"This is the first mini-vote, and then the real battle is in March," Lopez said. "That's when we go head to head."

Only one Democrat will be able to come out of the primary to face a Republican challenger in November. That election will make it clear who truly will be joining commissioners Pete Gerkin and Lisa Sobecki in the Lucas County Commissioners' Chambers.

Both Hicks-Hudson and Lopez said it is a battle they think they can win.

"I think the most important thing we have to look at is someone who has experience, who understands the inner workings between local, state and federal, and I think I've done that," Hicks-Hudson said.

"I can start running day one, I think, over individuals are going to take longer to learn the job, especially if they haven't worked for the county at this level," Lopez said.

If either of these women takes the position, their jobs will need to be filled as well.

It would also fall on the county's Democratic central committee to find a new county auditor if Lopez wins and a commission in Columbus would begin accepting applications if Hicks-Hudson wins.


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