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Local ServeOhio Volunteer Award winner says giving is what everyone should do

Connecting Kids to Meals president and CEO nominated John Eisenhart because she said he has a heart of gold and is a giver.

TOLEDO, Ohio — According to ServeOhio, more than two million volunteers are helping organizations in need across Ohio every year. 

Here in Toledo, one man, John Eisenhart, became one of only eight volunteers across the state to be chosen for the 2024 ServeOhio Volunteer Award. 

While this award highlights his recent efforts at Connecting Kids to Meals, Eisenhart's giving spirit has been helping several organizations for years.

He retired from Sun Oil Company, now Sunoco Toledo Refinery, 25 years ago and has been volunteering ever since. He said he'd never heard of ServeOhio but was appreciative of the statewide honor of his efforts.

"It's a little bit surreal in a way," Eisenhart said. "You don't do it for that reason, but it's also very nice to be recognized."

Connecting Kids to Meals president and CEO Wendi Huntley said Eisenhart can be easily labeled as a giver. Just look at his volunteer schedule. 

"I do imagination station on Monday, I normally do once or twice a week here, then, of course, I'm going to the YMCA because I'm on the 'Y' board there," Eisenhart said. "I'm two officers in Kiwanis, I live right across from Pearson Park so I go over and pick up trash over there."

Huntley nominated him because she said he has a heart of gold and it just made sense.

"You can count on John. When John says he's going to be here, he's going to be here," Huntley said. "When he's here, he works hard, he does things but yet, he enjoys his time here and chit-chats with folks."

Huntley said it's not just Eisenhart's work ethic that made him the person she had to choose. She said when it felt like the world shut down four years ago due to the pandemic, Eisenhart was the one who showed up.

"I called up the day after the pandemic started and said, 'Do you need help?' They said, 'Yeah.' I've been doing this for four years now," Eisenhart said.

"I calculated from John's contributions just since COVID started," Huntley said. "John has saved our organization over $40,000."

Huntley said dedication from volunteers like Eisenhart is what helps nonprofits thrive. Data from ServeOhio found volunteers make up $4.5 billion in economic value to the state. 

In addition to his award, Eisenhart got $1,000 to donate to any charity he wanted. He said it only made sense to give to the organization that nominated him.

"There's plenty of organizations in this community that can use your help," Eisenhart said. "If you have a couple of hours to give, go do it," Eisenhart said.

For more information about the ServeOhio awards, click here. Additionally, for more information on Connecting Kids to Meals, click here.

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