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'It Ends With Us': New movie in theaters sparking conversations about domestic violence, survivors

According to the Ohio Attorney General's Office, in 2022, there were 700 cases of domestic violence reported in Wood County.

TOLEDO, Ohio — "It Ends With Us" is a new movie in theaters, adapted from a book by Colleen Hoover, that could start conversations about domestic violence and possibly help survivors, especially locally.

According to the Ohio Attorney General's Office, in 2022, there were 700 cases of domestic violence reported in Wood County.

"As we know, there are many individuals in our community that are unfortunately experiencing domestic violence. But, I feel like it continues to be something that is really hard for us to talk about," said Kathy Mull, executive director of The Cocoon, a domestic violence shelter in Bowling Green. Sometimes, it can be hard to recognize that domestic violence is happening in our own communities or happening to people that we love."

"Unfortunately, also, there's a lot of misunderstanding what the experiences of survivors are as they navigate being in an abusive relationship and the steps to leave that abusive relationship," Mull added.

She said on-screen domestic violence is often only portrayed as physical.

"A lot of times when there are films or documentaries, we tend to focus very highly on physical abuse that happens in abusive relationships, and that is definitely something we know that occurs and creates an elevated danger level," Mull said. "But then, sometimes, it sets the standard of, 'this is an abusive relationship' and if 'I'm not experiencing this exact thing, maybe that's not my relationship. Maybe I'm not experiencing domestic violence.'"

Domestic violence is not just physical, though, she said.

"When survivors hear stories of other survivors or when we take the moment to share about domestic violence in our community and how it affects all of us, it allows others to know that there are others out there who are experiencing the same thing, that there's help out there. That there are people that care, that there are people who want to support and that there's a way out," Mull said.

"Sometimes as survivors, we feel stuck and we feel like we don't know where to turn. We don't know what our options are, the fear of the unknown," she added. "If we make that big courageous step to leave an abusive relationship, the hope is by sharing stories of survivors and providing an opportunity for individuals to know that there are people out there who care, they can get the courage to call and ask for help."

Actor Justin Baldoni, who plays Ryle, the abuser in the film, said it portrays that you never know what's going on in someone's life. He hopes the film will help to raise awareness, especially for men.

"I want men to stop asking the question why women stay. I want men to take accountability. I want men to hold other men accountable and in this particular film I want men to go to the theater and in some way see a version of themselves," Baldoni said.

He hopes it encourages people to get help, no matter who they are.

"I don't want to hurt the person I love the most, I need to get help. I need to feel all of these things I buried so deep down so it doesn't explode on someone that I love," Baldoni said.

Mull says movies like "It Ends With Us" can be beneficial and she hopes it will help people locally.

"Anytime we can take the opportunity to share survivors' stories and to talk about what domestic violence looks like and how it affects our communities, is one more way for us to create safe spaces for survivors to come forward," Mull said.

Mull said those who are being affected by domestic violence or know someone who may be are encouraged to reach out and find support.

For help locating a domestic violence shelter, click here.

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