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Lucas County Pit Crew taking care of paralyzed dog found in Texas

The dog is paralyzed in her back legs because a bullet is lodged in her spine.

TOLEDO, Ohio — The Lucas County Pit Crew has taken in a new rescue dog, and like many of the other animals they save, this one has a long and tough road ahead.

Calamity Jane, or C.J., was brought here from Texas on Saturday after the Pit Crew got tagged in some pictures and videos on Facebook seeking some help. The dog is paralyzed in her back legs because a bullet is lodged in her spine.

"We didn't really expect the gunshot and we thought it was a newer injury," Pit Crew member Nancy Fisher said. "Now that we have her up here and the diagnostics have been done, we're finding out that it's two to three weeks old."

Despite not having any feeling in her legs, the vets say she does have some reflexes. So with time and therapy, she could be mobile in the future.

"Maybe, hopefully, over the course of six to nine months, we'll be able to see marked improvements to where she'll be able to just go about her day," animal rehab specialist at West Toledo Animal Hospital Samantha Amodeo said.

On the outside, you can see the damage and how much this has affected C.J.'s way of living. But mentally she's a fighter.

"C.J. is very very happy," Amodeo said. "It seems like all she wants to do is love on you, get treats. It seems like she really wants to cuddle. So I don't think she's really been affected by it at all."

CJ has already been fitted for a wheelchair and other equipment to help her move around once she gets strong enough.

"I feel like her attitude is all in and she's so friendly with everyone, that it will really help in her recovery, but it's going to be a long road," Fisher said.

Since the dog was transported from Texas, there's not much the Pit Crew or anyone in Toledo can do to determine out who shot her and bring them to justice.

They say the only goal now is for C.J. to get better and stronger, and hope she will have a better future.

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