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Metropark officials preparing for potential ice jams at Side Cut

The park experienced extensive damage back in 2019 after ice jams ruined roads and bridges

MAUMEE, Ohio — With heavy rain followed by freezing temperatures in the forecast, officials at Side Cut Metropark have begun preparing for the the possibility of ice jams and flooding later this week.

Back in 2019, flooding quickly changed to piles of ice jams at the park, which damaged parts of the road, bridges and sections of the playground. The damage was so extensive that parts of River Road at Side Cut remained closed for nearly three months.

Bob Hickman, the parks services supervisor at Side Cut said the park's history with ice-jam damage and the coming weather conditions are a cause for concern.

Ahead of the rain and quick temperature drop the region is expecting this week, park officials have already started preparing. Park benches, picnic tables and other items throughout the park have been removed as a precaution.

Dealing with ice jams is not unexpected. In fact, making a place for them go is part of the park's purpose. Side Cut occupies a floodplain along the Maumee River, meaning it is built to handle flooding. The water is meant to flow into low portions of the park, which helps prevent flooding elsewhere in developed areas.

"The concern is the ground is still frozen so the water has nowhere to go," Hickman said. 

Another factor to consider this week is that the ground also still is covered with considerable snow from the winter storm in early February. If that snow melts quickly, the water will contribute to potential flooding, he said

"Then all the tributaries from here to Indiana jump in to the river so the river can move up and down very fast" Hickman said.

Hickman pointed out should the park flood or experience ice jams, park officials will close off the road. If that happens you should not try and venture off into the park.

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