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BGSU monitoring COVID-19 cases, making changes as students return

COVID-19 is a top concern for leaders at BGSU as foot traffic picks up in the area and on-campus. Leaders break down the new campus 'normal' during the pandemic.

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Bowling Green State University campus looks different for students as they have their first day of classes during the pandemic. 

Masks, sanitizing stations at campus entry points and fewer people are now the "new normal." 

The university's new chief health officer, Ben Batey, said staff has been closely watching COVID-19 numbers to see the virus's prevalence across the campus.

"I think we've done over 350 tests total over the last several weeks," Batey said. "We started as athletes were returning; they were the first group under the NCAA guidance that needed to be tested. Then we did a large group of R.A.'s along with hall directors."

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As of Monday, the university has five positive cases, which Batey said is a low prevalence rate. 

One thing the university is doing to help keep the number of COVID-19 cases on-campus low is what they call de-densifying. That means limiting the number of people on campus at a time.

"What that did was, it gave an opportunity for students who may live close by to commute or we have students who may live far away who can then take classes remotely or online," BGSU Provost Joe Whitehead said. 

A new, large tent has been set up near the student union as well to help with their COVID-19 response. Leaders said that will be used for student organizations to reserve for meetings outside with physical distance. 

Batey said they will continue to test large groups of people on campus to track virus spread. The university will be release testing results weekly.

RELATED: Bowling Green mayor pens letter to returning college students, calls on them to adhere to health orders amid pandemic


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