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Sylvania Schools to begin under hybrid learning model, citing being 'misled' about building readiness as cause for change

Superintendent Dr. Veronica Motley sent an email update to district families on Monday, announcing that K-5 will not begin under traditional in-person learning.

SYLVANIA, Ohio — In a sudden shift of plans, the Sylvania Schools administration has decided to begin on a hybrid learning model for all students, yet again changing from their June goal of returning to in-person learning from all students. The plan changed to in-person learning for elementary students only and hybrid for 6-12 earlier this month.

The June goal was agreed upon by the Board of Education following what the letter describes as "repeated information" given to the Board of Education regarding schools being "well-prepared to open under a green plan." 

According to the letter, the school board was told specifics that confirmed safety measures had been put in place to ready buildings and classrooms for a full return under a "green plan" - with Sylvania Schools following a stoplight system, like many others in our area.

The letter does not specify the exact source of this readiness assessment that had been presented to the Board of Education.

Superintendent Dr. Veronica Motley says in the letter that concern was raised by elementary school principals to upper administration about inadequate preparation. Dr. Motley visited the schools personally to assess the situation, noting a lack of signage, sanitation wipes and the inability for most classrooms to accommodate social distancing. Dr. Motley calls the lack of preparation "unacceptable."

These issues have led to the Board of Education and Dr. Motley taking action and making unspecified "personnel changes." 

Dr. Motley emphasizes in the letter that the information which was presented to school officials prior to the June goal has resulted in the board, herself, school staff, principals, personnel and families being "misled."

On Aug. 14, the Board of Education voted for K-5 students to return to full-time, in-class learning, while 6-12 would remain on a hybrid schedule. 

RELATED: Sylvania students K-5 to return in-person, 6-12 on hybrid schedule Sept. 14

Per Monday's letter, the decision has been made to begin under a "yellow plan" of hybrid learning out of concern for the safety of elementary school students. This new plan will have all students learning remotely from Aug. 31 - Sept. 1 before shifting to the hybrid model on Sept. 14 - Oct. 22, which marks the end of the 1st quarter.

Starting Sept. 15, Sylvania Schools officials will begin monitoring conditions and using guidance from the health department to determine if students will remain on a hybrid model after Oct. 22. Dr. Motley cautions that plans could, again, change.

"Although we were misled, I assure you swift action has taken place, as this amount of indecisiveness does not mirror how we should perform under 'An Expectation of Excellence,'" Dr. Motley writes, toward the conclusion of the letter. "We deeply apologize for the confusion, stress and anxiety that our reopening/restart plan has had on our elementary families."

Registration for online-only learning has been re-opened for Aug. 25 to Aug. 27 for those who are interested in opting in. This window will also allow families to opt out.

The back to school plans have shifted repeatedly over the past few months, with a large gathering of Sylvania families protesting for a return to in-person learning after announcements were made regarding sports and a decision to return to fully-remote learning happening in mid-August. The decision to go fully-remote was ultimately reversed within the following week.

RELATED: Sylvania students, parents protest for in-person learning

Monday's full letter to district families is available to read below.


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