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Infrastructure project moving forward in Port Clinton, but dependent on passage of November streets levy

The 4 mill streets levy aims to repave both major roadways and side streets in Port Clinton, many of which haven't been maintained in decades.

PORT CLINTON, Ohio — Some big improvements are already on the way in Port Clinton, but it will be up to voters this November whether that will continue.

If you're anywhere near the waterfront in Port Clinton, you can definitely hear the sound of progress.

Currently a $2.3 million waterfront walkway connecting downtown Port Clinton to its fishing pier is being built.

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Mayor Mike Snider says it's a long overdue improvement to one of the most used areas of the city.

"It's just a beautiful view," Snider said. "Even on a mid-October day, it's wonderful out here, and this is just going to enhance the area. The parking lot needs some assistance, but that'll be coming as well. Elevated platform with lights and benches - it's just going to improve the whole area."

But more improvements are coming all across the city.

Mayor Snider has a planned $34 million infrastructure project already in the works for the city.

The plan is split into two separate projects; Project A, for everything above ground, and B for below.

The below portion is already funded, as the city has added a $12.50 a month service fee to utility bills to pay for water, sewer and utility upgrades over the next few years.

"Actually the infrastructure project is going to help Lake Erie in that it will add some capacity to our sewage treatment plant to help prevent combined sewer overflows to help protect our natural resource here," Snider said.

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And in November, voters will decide on Project A, as a 4-mill streets levy aims to repave major and side streets - some of which haven't been maintained properly for nearly 75 years. 

"And it's the street levy for Project A that will be on the November ballot," Snider said. "And thus far I've heard nothing but overwhelming compliments. Nothing has been done in the city of Port Clinton for generations. And this is the framework for a long term infrastructure project to reinvest into our community."

Credit: Jon MOnk
The 4 mill streets levy would help repave multiple main and side streets.

The riverwalk project is already underway, and is expected to be complete by Memorial Day next year. 

And then if voters pass that November ballot measure, the infrastructure upgrades in Port Clinton should begin by next September and then be wrapped up around December of 2023.

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