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Supporters of President Trump say now is the most important time to make their voices heard

Chloe Carter, a young supporter of the president, says it's important for everyone to form their own beliefs and get out there and vote.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Hundreds of President Donald Trump supporters gathered at the Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport and waited for hours to hear from the president on Monday. 

Several supporters agreed that now is the time to make their voices heard - with some traveling minutes and others traveling hours to do just that.

"I only traveled less than ten miles," said Peter Maxwell.

"We're from North of Dayton. Took us about two and a half hours," said Heidi Brown.

People showed up in support of the president's campaign for another term in office.

"We're here today because we just feel it's very important to show our support and we do feel Trump is the best choice. I know he's not perfect, but he certainly is fighting for the things that we believe in and that's why we're here," said Brown. 

Younger supporters emphasize that it's a big deal to educate yourself during this election. 

"If you don't understand something, then learn about it. Form your own opinion about it and to just have those morals that you follow. Whether it's, you know, Democrat or Republican, it doesn't really matter, but whatever you feel is what's right and what's better for our country," said Chloe Carter.


Although we are in a pandemic, people WTOL spoke with said they should still have the right to come out here and support their president.

"I think they do, as long as they follow directions. You know, they need to follow directions and try to keep as safe as possible, and I think they'd be fine," said Cherrie Rodth.

And, while waiting in line for hours is worth it to these supporters, they say that regardless if you are a Republican or a Democrat, you should plan to vote.

"With social media, there is a lot of push to be anti-Trump or just more swing to the left and I think it's just because a lot of their agenda is pushed on social media," said Carter. "And I think it's important for everyone to form their own beliefs. Get out there and vote. No matter who you're voting for. Get out there and vote."

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