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Toledo Fire advises checking your furnace, space heaters and clothes dryers for safety

This weekend's first hard freeze will have some turning on heat sources for the first time. Make sure you're doing it safely, Toledo Fire says.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Our First Alert team of meteorologists is forecasting our first hard freeze of the season this weekend.

As the weather turns colder, the fire department says the risk of fire from a heating source cranks up. 

If you haven't had your furnace inspected yet this season, now's the time. 

"We always recommend to have a certified professional check those out. Make sure that the burner is functioning correctly. That there's no cracks within the furnace. If you can do it, that's the time to do it," says Private Sterling Rahe with the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department

Unfortunately, the fire department responds to several fires every season caused by space heaters.

If you're going to use one, the fire department says to plug them directly into the wall, not an extension cord or power strip. 

 Also make sure you keep at least a three foot buffer zone around your space heater. 

"It's just being super cautious with those. Again, it's a heating device that can cause some problems. You just don't want to leave them unattended and you don't want clutter around them," says Rahe.

 The fire department says while you're doing safety checks around your house, also check your dryer. Clear the exhaust pipe leading outside, as lint can build.  Make sure your lint trap is clear. You should clean it after every load. 

"Make sure you change those just because, again, as it builds up the heat that's contained in the dryer can ignite that. And we do, we go to a lot of dryer fires because of that," says Rahe.

Also change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detector with the time change this weekend as well. 

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