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Smoke alarms save lives: Fire departments want to equip public with detectors

According to a National Fire Protection Association report, almost three out of five deaths happen in homes in which a home doesn't have a smoke detector.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Fire departments across the area want you to know that having working smoke alarms could save your life if your home catches on fire. 

According to a National Fire Protection Association report, almost three out of five deaths happen in home without a fire alarm or with one that does not work. According to the report, power source issues are the most common reason smoke alarms do not operate. 

Oregon, Ohio's Assistant Fire Chief Mike Mullins stressed the need for one of these in your home - with the added benefit that they they are widely available. Fire departments across northwest Ohio offer them for free; you just have to contact them, and they will give you one that lasts ten years.

"Get those free smoke detectors installed in your home," Mullins said. "They're so Important, we don't want to lose any more family members in Lucas County, and I don't want to hear of any family members across this great country of ours."

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Mullins said he wants families to utilize these services to save lives. And if you're worried about the installation process, help is at hand: some fire departments will schedule an appointment with you to help install them and make sure they work.

"So these are the smoke detectors that we give out along with the American Red Cross," Mullins said, indicating the product they offer. "They're ten-year smoke detectors, with sealed batteries, and they're good for ten years. All you have to do is call your local fire department or the American Red Cross."

MORE SAFETY TIPS: Fourth of July: Tips on staying safe around fireworks during holiday festivities

If you need a smoke detector, you can also get one from the American Red Cross for free. Click here to learn more. 


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