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Local church hosts forum on gun violence

The Olivet Lutheran Church in Sylvania hosted community members on Sunday for a forum about the city of Toledo's issue with gun violence.

SYLVANIA, Ohio — The Olivet Lutheran Church in Sylvania hosted community members and leaders Sunday, for a forum about the city of Toledo's issue with gun violence.

"More and more people are aware and want to do something about gun violence," said Donna Malone, the Toledo group lead for Moms Demand Action, and one of the speakers at the forum. 

Moms Demand Action is a national volunteer group that was created after the Sandy Hook shooting. It is pushes for stronger gun safety laws, among its other initiatives.

Also at the forum was Aviance Hill. Hill lost her son Issac Carpenter to gun violence last summer. She says she is now a part of club, one she hopes no one else has to join.

"After this trauma and this tragedy, I don't want to see anybody go through this. I don't want anybody feeling alone or hurt or go through that much pain," said Hill. "No one should go through that much pain. So to me, this membership is closed and I'm going to do my part with my sisters to make sure this membership stays closed."

Aviance is now part of Sisters 4 Unity, a local group of mothers who've all had their children taken from them because of gun violence in Toledo. As the women shared their stories of loss, they hope to bring awareness to such a life changing issue. 

"To want to stop this gun violence, it means a lot to me, and it's Issac's legacy. I know right now Issac is smiling on all of us and saying 'Good job mom,' 'Good job everybody,' 'Good job Toledo,'" said Hill. 

Next month the Sisters 4 Unity will be hosting a march for their cause on Saturday, August 26th at Smith Park. 


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