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Blissfield man in disbelief after loose semitrailer tires crash through second-floor window

Michael Alexander awoke to a set of unwelcome house guests Tuesday morning when he and his wife discovered semitrailer tires had flown through a second-floor window.

BLISSFIELD, Mich. — The photos that Blissfield resident Michael Alexander sent to WTOL 11 on Tuesday were surprising. A set of dual tires crashing through someone's window is a shock on its own.

Even more alarming is when that window is on the second floor.

"Around 9 a.m. [Tuesday], I was sleeping on the couch and I heard a bang. It wasn't that loud downstairs. I didn't think much of it," Alexander said. "My wife was upstairs and she started to scream, 'I think there's truck tires upstairs.' I proceeded to open the door and there was two giant truck tires upstairs."

Alexander estimated the tires to be four feet in diameter each. He would know, as they are still stuck on the second floor of his house.

Credit: Michael Alexander

But where exactly did they come from?

That remains a mystery. A sheriff arrived and went down to Adrian, but was unable to find the semitrailer missing its tires, Alexander said.

"It would have definitely hit me because I was on the couch, which is basically directly under that window," Alexander said. "Without it hitting the tree and bouncing up it would have been right downstairs exactly where I was."

The damage caused Alexander's wife and dogs to be stuck upstairs, too, he said.

"She had to climb the banister and come down," he said. "Then I actually had to take a piece of the banister off because my dogs were stuck upstairs. After she came down and we made sure the fence was still upstairs we took a banister out and then she climbed back up and we got the dogs downstairs."

For the time being, Alexander will have tires in his house. He said they are too big to be moved down the stairs and out the door, so they have to go back out through the hole they punched into his home.

But, he's thankful no one was injured, or worse.

"You just got to be careful. If you're driving these big rigs, you have to make sure your equipment is right. This could have easily killed somebody," Alexander said. "Thank God it didn't ... It really could have done some damage to a person."

"That's the most important thing. All the panic and the 'oh nos' will all come later. Just as long as everybody is okay."

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