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TPS makes switch to drive-thru homework pick-up

The move aims to limit the amount of interaction between people.

TOLEDO, Ohio — On Monday, Toledo Public Schools (TPS) began its last round of homework pick-up before spring break starts.

Learning packets are available for those students who currently do not have internet access. They can be picked up until Thursday. 

There were no long lines of people waiting outside to get homework and that's because TPS implemented a new drive-thru system for parents and students to get it.

The move aims to ensure there is limited contact with people and that social distancing is maintained.

Executive Transformational Leader of Curriculum, Jim Gault, said that so far, this way of delivering homework has been extremely efficient.

"We're averaging about a less than one minute wait here this time. Since it is a standard packet, it's obviously able to go quicker, but so many of our teachers are doing online learning that there is less reliance to pick up paper and pencil," Gault said.

There are 15 schools across the district open as distribution sites. 

Gault said that all the high schools were chosen to easily stagger the schedule between students. 

The other locations for elementary and middle school students were chosen because they have longer driveways in case cars get backed-up.

Parents and students can access that learning information online here

TPS leaders said they will still provide meals during their spring break, the schedule is available on their website

RELATED: TPS homework pick-up changes raising certain questions from parents

RELATED: Concerns raised over TPS homework packets, grading

RELATED: Toledo Public School leaders make changes to homework pick-up for extended remote learning

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