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Waterville community helps family following house fire

The Deppen family survived a fire that destroyed their home and vehicles Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the Waterville community came together to help the family.

WATERVILLE, Ohio — Terri Massucci organizes the painting of the Wally Rock at Conrad Park. It's normally a simple community event. But Tuesday night, a massive fire destroyed a home in the nearby Mill Creek Farms neighborhood.

The Deppen family escaped without being hurt but lost everything, including their vehicles.

"I couldn't imagine losing your home, and your vehicles, and things that you love," Massucci said. "But they got out with their lives. They're safe. That's the bottom line."

So, Wednesday night's event became about more than just painting. It became a chance to help a family in need.

Waterville residents could drop off money, gift cards and anything else that would help the family.

Resident Tony Garver said the event shows a community coming together.

"It's one of the reasons I moved here 10 years ago," Garver said. "The tight-knit community is absolutely amazing. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody looks out for everybody."

Massucci believes it would mean a lot to be able to get the family back on its feet.

"Again I can't imagine the warmth they must be feeling to see a community coming together for them to help them out," Massucci said. "People that they don't know, but were here for them."

Garver agrees.

"Seeing that come to fruition and seeing the benefactor getting, whether it be money or a place to stay, whatever they need. It's just very gratifying," he said.

Those looking to donate can do so again Thursday evening from 6-9 p.m. at Conrad Park in Waterville.

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