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West Toledoans say crashes have increased after a road improvement project

People who live off of Eleanor Avenue say crashes happen often on the street, and that a road repavement project has only led to more crashes.

TOLEDO, Ohio — People in a west Toledo neighborhood are getting frustrated by the number of crashes they see happen on Eleanor Avenue, and they blame speeding.

Neighborhood resident Andrea Abner said since the road was repaved to improve the street, accidents have just increased.

"Now that it's a nice smooth road it's a speedway at this point," Abner said.

She said she's seen first-hand the effects of car crashes. She's lived on Eleanor Avenue for seven years and earlier in August, a car hit her home as a result of a crash.

"The house shook a little," Abner said of the crash. "I ran to the bedroom and, sure enough, the car was in the bedroom."

"I miss the privacy of my bedroom," Abner said, as she was forced to temporarily stay in the living room.

Eleanor Avenue is in Toledo City Council's District 6, represented by member Theresa Morris.

"It's probably one of the best ways to get east and west in this neighborhood," Morris said. "Unfortunately, there were accidents even before we repaved."

She worked to get traffic trailers that show how fast a driver is going put in this week.

"Maybe you don't realize you're going that fast," Morris said of the installment of the traffic trailers. "We're also looking to do a traffic study on Eleanor but that's something that doesn't happen very fast."

For now, people have their fingers crossed hoping to see a change.

As for Abner, while she loves where she lives with her son, she's looking for something a bit safer.

"We're ready to move," Abner said. "The area right here in this corner is just getting horrible and the speeding. It's horrible."

Morris said she's going to see what the results of a traffic study will show to see what options the city has.

There's no word on when the traffic study will take place.

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