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News 11 Investigates: What Happened to Tammy?

Investigators say her son Jimmy Fleischmann is among the persons of interest, and now they don't know where he is.

By Jonathan Walsh - bio | email

Posted by Dave Dykema - email

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - In September 2006, Tammy Grogan, 35, went on a cruise with her son, some of her son's friends, her aunt and her mother.

She never made it home.

Investigators say her son Jimmy Fleischmann is among the persons of interest, and now they don't know where he is.

His disappearance began with a strange phone call Bonnie Grogan, Tammy's mother, received. During it, Grogan was told Fleischmann was missing from his army base.

Grogan thought that odd, because according to her, Fleischmann had always wanted to be in the army.

"I've got pictures of him in uniform," Grogan said, "playing as a soldier."

Family members say Fleischmann graduated early from Bowsher High School and signed up. But Grogan does add that the recruiter was told, "Did you look into that boy's past?"

Fleischmann's past includes what some family members and investigators say was a questionable relationship with Craig Morgan, 25. They say Morgan took a special interest in Fleischmann when he was 14-years-old, buying him gifts and taking him for limo rides. Grogan describes it as a "touchy-feely" relationship that sent up red flags.

Investigators say Morgan claims his relationship with Fleischmann was innocent, but eventually Fleischmann's mom forbid him to see Morgan. Soon after, family members say Morgan paid for the September 2006 cruise. Even with suspicions, the Grogans went.

"Craig had a way of taking your mind away from you. He kept drilling things into you," Grogan said, "to the point where you believed him."

Also booked on the cruise was Fleischmann, Fleischmann's great aunt Deb Graf, Morgan's sister Rebecca Morgan, and Rebecca's ex-boyfriend Robbie Pantosia. Craig Morgan was not on the ship.

Grogan and investigators say the night her daughter Tammy went missing everyone except Grogan was drinking in Tammy's room, but somehow Grogan wound up passed out. Grogan is convinced she was drugged.

New information reveals investigators found the date rape drug Rohypnol in Tammy's drink and they highly suspect Grogan was drugged, too. They also tell News 11 they found handwritten notes from Craig Morgan researching Rohypnol and other date rape drugs. They tell News 11 Morgan's excuse was that his sister Rebecca was having problems sleeping and he was trying to help her.

Back to that phone call investigators made about Fleischmann's Army disappearance, it informed Grogan that Fleischmann went AWOL on Sept. 29, 2009 from his basic training in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Fleischmann's grandfather James Fleischmann, Sr. was Fleischmann's legal guardian for two and a half years after Tammy disappeared.

"I don't know what happened him," Fleischmann, Sr. said. "No idea."

But he does say that in October Fleischmann eventually turned himself in and he assumes his grandson was dishonorably discharged. All the Army will tell News 11 is that Fleischmann was "separated" from the Army.

Fleischmann, Sr. hasn't heard a word from his grandson and he's concerned about the boy he loves. "Well, I don't want to see him hurt. I didn't want Tammy hurt either," he said, tearing up. "It's a tough time out there for him."

News 11 was able to track down a facebook account to Fleischmann's grandmother Joann Gracyk. She currently lives in Florida.

Gracyk says Fleischmann wrote her a belated Happy Valentine's Day message around February 18. She hasn't seen him or had a conversation with him since he left for the Army.

"I know that there are these issues with his mom and I just said come forth, tell 'em what you know," Gracyk said. "Then he won't answer or say anything."

The only one talking about what happened to Tammy is her mother. News 11 tried to contact Graf, Pantosia, Rebecca Morgan, and Rebecca and Craig Morgan's dad James. They all turned us down.

Why try to talk to James Morgan? New revelations have come forth that investigators executed a search warrant at James Morgan's home back when Tammy went missing. Investigators won't say what they found.

News 11 received this response from James Morgan, who's an attorney and visiting magistrate at Toledo Municipal Court: "Do not contact me. Do not call me. Do not come to my office or my home. Consider this notice that if you are on my property you are trespassing." Cold case investigator Tom Ross says James Morgan has not been cooperative at all as police search for clues.

News 11 also called a home in Texas where investigators think Craig Morgan lives. A message was left, but no one returned the call. His attorney has said Morgan has no comment.

"Everybody in that group seems to be avoiding that whole subject," said Fleischmann, Sr. "A very quiet, tight knit group. Nobody says anything."

Grogan says, "There's got to be somebody out there who knows something."

Gracyk says whenever family members have tried to ask Fleischmann about what happened on the cruise, "He shows no emotion. He shows no feeling. He shows no suspicion. He shows absolutely nothing when the subject comes up."

Fleischmann, Sr. doesn't think his grandson would have done anything intentionally to hurt his mother. "He could have been mislead to do something, but he wouldn't openly have done something like that, no."

Family members are worried about Fleischmann, not knowing where he is and what mental state he may be in.

"My message to Jimmy is just come home," Gracyk said. "That we miss you and love you."

A footnote to this story is another nugget of information that has surfaced. Family members tell News 11 that years ago Fleischmann revealed he was molested by one of Tammy's past boyfriends.

That was well before Fleischmann met Craig Morgan.

Family members wonder if that incident opened up a search for male attention, and Fleischmann found that in Morgan and trusted him.

Meanwhile, the FBI in Miami has closed its investigation into Tammy's disappearance and transferred the case to the Lucas Co. Cold Case Unit.

If you have any information about what happened to Tammy or this case call police.

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