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Pedestrian hybrid beacons to be installed in Bowling Green

When class is in session, students can be seen running across the five lanes of traffic on Wooster Street, but now, with new pedestrian hybrid beacons, this won't be a safety issue anymore.

BOWLING GREEN, OH (WTOL) - When class is in session, students can be seen running across the five lanes of traffic on Wooster Street, but now, with new pedestrian hybrid beacons, this won't be a safety issue anymore.

What these beacons do is stop traffic when someone is waiting to cross the street and then gives them the go ahead like a normal crosswalk sign.

Right now, ODOT has installed one in Delta. And because of the success, they have been working with the city of Bowling Green and the university to keep drivers, and pedestrians safe.

These beacons will be on Wooster, one near the Stroh Center and another near Founders Hall. Both places ODOT engineers say are problem areas.

For a lot of students, this means getting to class, their apartment or even their favorite food place, much easier.

"I definitely see a lot of people crossing the street, especially trying to go to Chipotle and all of the other restaurants over there so it does look a little dangerous at times with no crosswalks and a lot of heavy traffic in this area," student Emmet DeSmit said.

The project totals close to $400,000. The money is coming from ODOT's safety funding.

Along with these pedestrian beacons, two more locations will have pedestrian crosswalk signage added.

ODOT leaders tell me, they are beginning the design now, and expect to finish the project next fall.

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