GIBSONBURG, Ohio — With only days before the Nov. 5 election, many school districts continue to push for proposals on the ballot. One of those districts is Gibsonburg schools, which is vying for a levy renewal and increase.
Gibsonburg schools said if the levy doesn't pass, it can't make improvements much needed within the district. The current one-mill permanent improvement levy expires in December of this year. The new levy is a renewal with a one mil increase.
Gibsonburg superintendent Bob Falkenstein said the levy funds would be used to repair two flat roofs, parking lot work and HVAC work.
"We can take our facilities that we're very proud of and keep them in the very best shape possible for Gibsonburg students to enjoy for a very long time," said Falkenstein.
If this levy doesn't pass Falkenstein believes the district won't be able to afford the improvements.
"We know that we will need to purchase a bus, which costs $130,000. So the old amount of $65,000 just isn't cutting it for us any longer," he said.
If passed, the renewal would cost owners of a $100,000 home an average of $46 a year. The passage would give the district about 219-thousand dollars a year.
Falkenstein said a plan for what repairs and upgrades would be made with those funds would be released in the coming years.
The district stated the proposed levy is on a continuing basis and will not need to be renewed again. Below is the official ballot language for the levy:
Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal and Increase) Gibsonburg Exempted Village School District Sandusky and Wood Counties A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
"A renewal of 1 mills with an increase of 1 mills for each $1 of taxable value to constitute a tax for the benefit of the Gibsonburg Exempted Village School District for the purpose of general permanent improvements, that the county auditor estimates will collect $219,000 annually, at a rate not exceeding 2 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $46 for each $100,000 of the county auditor’s appraised value, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025."