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Ohio, Michigan politicians react after Biden drops out of presidential race

A range of reactions greeted the president's announcement from messages of thanks and good luck to questions about his ability to finish his term.

Ohio and Michigan leaders from both parties reacted swiftly to President Joe Biden’s historic announcement that he was dropping out of the presidential race on Sunday afternoon both on social media and in longer press releases. 

Most of the top politicians and candidates for office in northwest Ohio took the opportunity to wish President Biden good luck, including some Republicans, but others took the opportunity to question the president’s fitness for office for the rest of his term or took swipes at Vice President Harris, whom Biden has endorsed to be his replacement.

Toledo City Council president Carrie Hartman (D)

I’m so thankful for President Joe Biden. In just 4 years, he made incredible investments in our nation’s cities. I am especially grateful for his $108 billion American Restoration Act, of which Toledo alone received $180 million. His leadership has guided us through unprecedented times, and his decision to step back from the upcoming presidential election demonstrates his continued commitment to the best interests of our country.

U.S. Congressperson Marcy Kaptur (D – 9th district)

“When President Biden leaves office, he will do so after more than five decades of devoted, effective, and honorable public service. His gentlemanly endurance has moved our nation forward through recovery following the COVID-19 Pandemic, while achieving the highest job creation of any President in modern history. He has kept America strong, and expanded Freedom’s canopy abroad. History will record and look fondly on this significant progress. 

“Throughout his service, he has walked fiercely at Liberty’s side at home and abroad. He has stood tall as a steadfast champion of working men and women. Despite enduring profound personal tragedy, he has always been driven to make life better for his fellow Americans. His gift for finding the common ground of compromise has been essential to America’s progress as the 21st Century dawned. 

"His work as President resulted in long overdue passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and targeted investments to rebuild our roads, bridges, and rail systems. He has overseen the rebirth of the American auto and steel manufacturing and energy sectors right here in Northern Ohio. He assured passage of the Butch Lewis Act, and major projects across our oft-neglected Great Lakes Region. 

“I deeply respect his selfless decision to step aside, and know he will continue to use his talents to look for allies and partnerships in our complicated world to help our region and nation thrive for the generations to come.”

U.S. Congressperson Bob Latta (R – 5th district) have not released a statement as of 4 p.m.

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown (D)

"I thank President Biden for his years of committed service to the country we love — as Senator, as Vice President, and as President."

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R) 

"Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way. Over the last four years she co-signed Biden's open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden's mental capacity--saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever's at the top of the Democrat ticket. Bring it on."

Before Biden's announcement, Vance posted about the the president's fitness to carry out the rest of his current term.

"If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President? Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief. There is no middle ground."

Ohio governor Mike DeWine (R)

"I have known President Biden since 1995, when I entered the U.S. Senate and served with him on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Fran and I wish President Biden and the First Lady all the best as he serves out the remainder of his term and in the years ahead."

Candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio Bernie Moreno (R) 

"Make no mistake - Sherrod Brown and San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris were the chief conspirators and enablers of the Biden mental decline cover up for years for one reason: because Brown and Harris could finally pass the extreme liberal agenda they've always wanted. Kamala Harris is even more extreme than Joe Biden. Together with Sherrod Brown, they will stop at nothing to finish their radical agenda. The Democrats will scramble to change faces, but the American people know all too well the results of their policies. That's why we will defeat Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris in November."

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D)

"President Biden is a great public servant who knows better than anyone what it takes to defeat Donald Trump. His remarkable work to lower prescription drug costs, fix the damn roads, bring supply chains home, address climate change, and ensure America’s global leadership over decades will go down in history. My job in this election will remain the same: doing everything I can to elect Democrats and stop Donald Trump, a convicted felon whose agenda of raising families’ costs, banning abortion nationwide, and abusing the power of the White House to settle his own scores is completely wrong for Michigan."

Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow (D)

“President Joe Biden has done more for Michigan during his presidency than any other president in my lifetime. In the past three and a half years, we’ve fixed thousands of roads and bridges, boosted manufacturing, brought jobs home, lowered the cost of prescription drugs and seriously tackled the climate crisis. President Biden’s long career of public service has truly improved the lives of Americans in so many important ways. His decision today is another courageous action in his long history of service to our country.”

Michigan Senator Gary Peters (D)

“Joe Biden’s life has been dedicated to our nation. There is no greater dedication a leader can make than sacrifice.

“Today, Joe and Jill Biden put America first. Colleen and I send our gratitude and support to the President and First Lady. Michigan is better because we have delivered an unmatched track record of accomplishments together.

“The Biden-Harris Administration has been a model for delivering bipartisan results for the American people: from renewing our infrastructure, to lowering costs for families, to building a future where everyone can thrive.

“I thank him for his truly remarkable career of service to our nation.”


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