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Michigan ice cream shops raising money for Dee Warner memorial

Frosty Joey's and Twin Pines are donating a portion of their weekend proceeds to a memorial honoring missing Lenawee County woman Dee Warner.

CLINTON, Mich. — Frosty Joey's is a popular spot for ice cream in Clinton, Michigan. The owner, Barb Adams, has been a part of the community for years, and knew missing woman Dee Warner from an early age.

"Our family farms are right next to each other," said Adams. "We'd basically known each other our entire lives. We went to church together, elementary, high school. A big part of our lives was spent together."

Adams says the past year has been painful following Dee's disappearance.

"At first it was hope and now its more of a dull ache of knowing that we're not gonna see Dee again," said Adams.

Adams decided to turn that ache into action, working with another ice cream shop to honor Dee's memory.

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"What we're doing is 'cones for a cause' in conjunction with Twin Pines in Tecumseh. We're giving a percentage of our sales to the children for a memorial fund at our local fair," said Adams.

Warner was involved with the Lenawee County Fair and 4-H for years.

Employees says the memorial will keep Warner's memory alive.

"We're trying to raise awareness for it, and just get closure for her family. I hope we find out what happened to her," said worker Hailey Ketchum.

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Adams hopes the memorial is something the 4-H kids can be proud of.

"Hopefully we'll make the kids proud," said Adams.

Frosty Joe's is extending the fundraiser through the end of Memorial Day. If you are unable to stop by, but still wish to donate to the cause, you can do so at the Warner family's GoFundMe page.


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