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Springfield Local Schools safety director walks through a day on the job

"You're responsible for the security of an entire school district. It's not to be taken lightly."

HOLLAND, Ohio — As the conversation surrounding the best way to keep schools safe pushes forward, jobs like school safety directors and school resource officers are becoming more important. 

Brett Warner is the Safety Director at Springfield Local Schools, and is tasked with keeping students and staff in the district as safe as possible. This means leading active shooter trainings, roaming each school on a day to day basis and regularly reviewing the safety plans of the district.

"You're responsible for the security of an entire school district. It's not to be taken lightly. It's a very challenging job sometimes, but in a good way," Warner said. 

In addition to roaming around all of the K-12 buildings, Warner said there is a contracted deputy stationed at both the high school and middle school. 

When it comes to entering schools, like many area districts, it is required to check in at the front office through a double set of doors that are locked from the outside. 

Warner said students and staff practice all types of emergency procedures multiple times a year, and it's important for him to keep a good relationship with students, so they can trust him.

Credit: Amy Steigerwald

"Building that relationship is part of the job and probably one of the most important parts of the job. Being a presence is important, but also building relationships is important. It's getting them to understand that you're not their enemy; in fact, you're the complete opposite. You're the person who is in charge of making sure they're safe," Warner said.

Prior to working at Springfield Schools, Warner has close to 20 years of experience working for the Lucas County Sheriff's Office. He said he feels there are times this job carries just as much, if not more importance, than a typical law enforcement position.

"Being in charge of the safety of everyone's child is important, and you can't help but feel that weight," Warner said.



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