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A decrease in Ohio deadly crashes this year compared to last

This year Ohio has reduced traffic fatalities 11 percent, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

OHIO, USA — Deadly crashes are on the decline for Ohio in 2022.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol has released data that shows fatal crashes are down 11 percent compared to 2021.

This is good news as last year was the deadliest year on Ohio roadways in nearly two decades, even with traffic levels still below pre-pandemic levels.

There have been 293 traffic fatalities this year in Ohio compared to 336 fatalities at this point in 2021. 

Highway Patrol officials said even though it is only April, they hope this trend will continue throughout the summer when there is typically more traffic on the roads. 

Highway Patrol also explains that the biggest contributors to fatal crashes are speeding, operating a vehicle while impaired, and not wearing a seat-belt. 

Saving more lives will depend on drivers avoiding these dangerous behaviors.

Just buckling up your seat-belt helps reduce the risk of deadly accidents by 45% for drivers and front-seat passengers, the patrol said.

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