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Distracted driving in Ohio down 9% after ban went into effect in April

According to one study taken from smartphones, Ohio's distracted driving decreased after the law was signed on April 4.

TOLEDO, Ohio — You may notice more ads telling you to put your phone down while behind the wheel, and it's all a part of the effort to reduce distracted driving.

According to data taken from smartphones by software company Cambridge Mobile Telematics, distracted driving is down 9.1% after the new handheld ban in Ohio went into effect on April 4.

It makes holding your phone while driving illegal and a primary traffic offense. Judy Converse, a public information officer with the Ohio Traffic Safety Office, said drivers have some time to get used to the new rules.

"Right now, if you get pulled over for distracted driving, you can only get a written warning from a police officer," Converse said. "Starting in October, you can actually get a ticket."

Converse said the first offense is two points on your license and up to a $150 fine. The second is three points and up to $250. Three or more offenses is four points and up to a $500 fine, with a potential license suspension of 90 days.

But a traffic safety course provides one exception to remove your first fine and points.

"This one-hour online distracted-driving course," Converse said. "A driver can only take that one time in their lifetime."

Truck driver Sherrye Reaves uses a headset to help her stay alert. She said she's seen an increase in the number of distracted drivers and there is a zero-tolerance policy for being on her phone.

"You get caught with that. You get a pretty big fine," Reaves said. "Our fines are higher than a normal civilian license."

Converse said when the law officially goes into effect on October 5, they are going to restart the "Phones Down. It's the Law" campaign.

The Ohio Department of Transportation and Ohio Department of Public Safety said the campaign is to remind drivers they will face serious consequences if they're on their phones.

"The longer that campaign is out, the more people it is going to reach, and we really hope those numbers [9.1%] drop even further," Converse said.

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