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Take a chance on a new ride at the Toledo Police impound lot auction

Work vans, motorcycles and a trailer are all available to the highest bidder along with over 70 other vehicles.
(Source: WTOL)
(Source: WTOL)
(Source: WTOL)

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - Whether you want something unique, a beater, of just need a car to get to work in, you may find it at The Toledo Police Impound lot auction, happening Saturday morning.

The auction only happens four times a year.

Work vans, motorcycles and a trailer are all available to the highest bidder.

From the everyday car to the pimped out, you'll find over 70 vehicles to choose from and bid on.

Most vehicles being sold have been towed here after an OVI or a driver with a suspended license was pulled over and went unclaimed for months.

"It's not for everyone but it may suit your needs. Last year we had a young kid come and he was able to find his first car and drive off the lot with it for a couple hundred bucks and he was happy because it had air conditioning," said Kevan Toney with the Toledo Police Department.

Profits from the auction will go to The City of Toledo's general fund.

Money from the cars here that were seized during drug operations will go to fund police training and equipment.

Registration starts at 9 a.m. at the city's lot on Dura Ave. when you will get a chance to visually inspect the cars and then the auction begins at 11.

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